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Composite Repair Guideline Document for Nonmetallic Repairs for Offshore Applications

The study aims to develop a Composite Repair Guideline Document for Nonmetallic Repairs for Offshore Applications including a state-of-the-art assessment of current repair technology and full-scale testing to support the effort. This study will address performance issues related to both offshore and onshore pipeline-related facilities.

TAP-661-Joint Industry Project (JIP) to Enhance Polyester Rope Stiffness Modeling, Testing, and Analysis

This JIP is initiated to collect and investigate results of past studies on fiber ropes, test procedures and data, code requirements, and fiber rope mooring analysis methods. The JIP will also conduct sensitivity analysis to identify important model and design parameters. Based on the results of the investigation, conservative and practical stiffness models, testing procedure, and mooring analysis method will be developed. The results from this JIP can be used in supporting fiber rope code developments and polyester mooring projects.

TAP-654-International Workshop on Underwater Welding & Inspection Technology

Organize and hold a workshop to identify challenges, developmental needs, and areas of research necessary to advance the design, processes, metallurgy, and inspection/repair of underwater welding applications; with specific attention to status of development and availability of wet-welding consumables and services; current applications and practices for underwater welding and inspection; limitations that hinder underwater applications; new and advanced technologies, and collaboration of international partners including manufactures, suppliers, repair and inspection service companies, standa

TAP-632-Evaluate New Materials for Deepwater Synthetic Mooring Systems

Specific objectives of this report were: Compare and contrast the risks and benefits of using stiffer synthetic fibers vs. polyester fibers for mooring rope design, manufacturing, installation and long-term operations over the last decade in the Gulf of Mexico.
By theoretical analysis, compare dynamic responses of typical floaters moored with polyester segments and with stiffer fiber segments.

TAP-611-JIP for the Development of Standardized Testing Requirements for HPHT Equipment

This project was designed to address the Minerals Management Service's Notice to Leasees (NTL) 2007-G07 that mandates that requests for approvals to conduct drilling and workover operations under HPHT conditions contain a discussion of how the applicant has determined that equipment exposed to HPHT is fit for service. Stress Engineering Services is serving as facilitator for this JIP comprised of leading industry HPHT experts from at least 12 companies.

TAP-602-Cement Fatigue and HPHT Well Integrity with Application to Life of Well Prediction

The objective of this project is to develop a better understanding of the performance of the casing-cement bond under HPHT well conditions leading to a model to predict well life.

Project Goals:

Description of the importance of cement fatigue to the life of HPHT wells

Lab procedures and prototype test cell to measure the performance of cement in cyclic loading under HPHT conditions

Model to predict life of HPHT wells

Recommendation for further work

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