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Doing Business with BSEE

Doing Business with BSEE

BSEE works with organizations and individuals to fulfill our mission as America’s regulator for all energy and mineral extraction operations on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf.  We maintain offices in Alaska, California, Louisiana, New Jersey, Texas, Virginia, and Washington D.C., and offer a variety of contact options on our website for those seeking to engage with us.

BSEE follows strict federal guidelines when carrying out our responsibilities related to offshore safety, environmental stewardship, and resource conservation.

Acquisition Management

Acquisition Management Division (AMD) is responsible for executing and administering BSEE and BOEM contracts and financial assistance agreements. By collaborating with its customer organizations, AMD creates quality business solutions that help to accomplish the mission goals of the Bureaus. AMD provides acquisition and financial assistance policy guidance, cost/price analysis, and advice to procurement/program personnel. AMD conducts acquisition management reviews and other internal control reviews of procurement activities throughout the year.

AMD administers the purchase line of the BSEE and BOEM charge card programs, as well as the competitive sourcing programs. AMD manages and administers all Federal Acquisition Certification programs for the BSEE and BOEM acquisition community, as well as BSEE’s Contracting Officer’s Certificate of Appointment Program.

AMD supports shared procurement services to implement innovative and creative procurement solutions by using the following methods and techniques:

  • Use of both the General Services Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedules and NASA’s Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP) contracts as part of the Bureau’s day-to- day operations.
  • Utilize DOI strategic sourcing initiatives, such as the DOI Cloud Hosting Service contract, as well as DOI-wide Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA’s).
  • Coordinate with other agencies to leverage expertise for the use of Strategic Sourcing Initiatives through interagency agreements with Department of Energy (DOE), NOAA, and GSA.

Small Business Program

The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Small Business Program was established to (1) assist small, HUBZone small, small disadvantaged, women-owned small, veteran-owned small, and service disabled veteran-owned small businesses, to develop, grow, and ensure their long-term success; (2) continually foster an environment where small, HUBZone small, small disadvantaged, women-owned small, veteran-owned small, and service disabled veteran-owned small businesses can compete successfully for a fair share of BSEE's procurements on their own merits; and (3) assist large businesses to increase subcontracting opportunities for small, HUBZone small, small disadvantaged, women-owned small, veteran-owned small, and service disabled veteran-owned small businesses.

Procurement Business Opportunities

BSEE's Acquisition Office acquires the products and services required to support Agency mission goals. Commercial opportunities are advertised on Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps). Also, available at, is the Forecast of Contract Opportunities. Some of the products/services we purchase are:

  • Engineering Services
  • Oil Spill Technology Studies
  • Information Technology
  • Consulting Services
  • Office Products

Unsolicited Research Proposals

It is the policy of the Government to encourage the submission of new and innovative ideas in response to Broad Agency Announcements, Small Business Innovation Research topics, Small Business Technology Transfer Research topics, Program Research and Development Announcements, or any other Government-initiated solicitation or program.

When the new and innovative ideas do not fall under topic areas publicized under these programs or techniques, the ideas may be submitted as unsolicited proposals and can only be accepted it is aligned with the Agency’s mission and meets the requirements stipulated Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), Part 15.6

Unsolicited Proposals should be submitted to Chrischanda Smith directly, via email, at, or by mail to:

Chrischanda Smith, Contract Specialist
U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI)
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)
Acquisition Management Division, VAE-AMD
45600 Woodland Road, VA-AMD
Sterling, VA 20166

Justification and Approval of Noncompetitive Contract Awards (JOFOC)

To comply with the Federal Acquisition Regulation Subpart 6.305, BSEE's Acquisition Procurement Office publishes approved JOFOCs at the Government point-of-entry,

Fees for Services

Effective June 1, 2015 the U.S. Treasury has changed the Credit Card payment limit from $49,999.99 to $24,999.99 for payments. The ACH (electronic check) remittance is to be used for payments greater than $24,999.99.

Please visit the Fees for Services section for more info.

OCS Operational Forms

The forms on this page have been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). OMB approved the paperwork burdens and assigned an approval expiration date to each form. Should a form display an 'expired' OMB approval date, please be advised that we have submitted that form to OMB for review and approval. While at OMB, the expired approval date is automatically extended on a month-by-month basis until it is approved and assigned a new expiration date. You may view any information collection that is under review at the OMB web site.

BSEE-0135 - Identification of ROW Pipeline Operator

BSEE-0149 - Assignment of Federal OCS Pipeline Right-of-Way Grant (Reporting Instructions)

BSEE-0123 - Application for Permit to Drill (APD)

BSEE-0123S - Supplemental APD Information Sheet

BSEE-0124 - Application for Permit to Modify (APM)

BSEE-0125 - End of Operations Report (EOR)

BSEE-0131 - Performance Measures Data (Reporting Instructions)

BSEE-0133 - Well Activity Report (WAR) (Tool Code List)

BSEE-0133S - Open Hole Data Report  (Supplement to the Well Activity Report)

BSEE-0143 - Facility/Equipment Damage Report

BSEE-0144 - Rig Movement Notification Report

BSEE-0126 - Well Potential Test Report (WPT)

BSEE-0128 - Semiannual Well Test Report (SWTR)

BSEE-0132 - Hurricane and Tropical Storm Evacuation and Production Curtailment Statistics - Gulf of America OCS Region (GOMR)

For renewable forms, please go to Renewable Energy Forms webpage.

Fines and Penalties

BSEE only assesses fines to regulated entities for violations related to the exploration, development and production of energy resources on the Outer Continental Shelf.

Payments for BSEE fines are only accepted through the Federal Reserve’s Fedwire Funds Service. Appeals fees, if applicable, are paid through

There are no other payment options. If you receive a suspicious request to pay a fine that appears to be from BSEE, please contact:

BSEE Office of Public Affairs
1-800-200-4853 or

Invoices and Payments

BSEE does not order goods or services without negotiating a process for payment. If you receive an unexpected request for goods or services, contact BSEE at 1-800-200-4853 or to address any questions you may have.

Scam Alert

Individuals have received suspicious requests to pay fines for violations, such as oil spills, related to Outer Continental Shelf energy exploration, development and production. These letters appear to be on official government letterhead and have been used to justify requests for loans.

While BSEE does assess fines to regulated entities, we never:

  • Request payment by phone or through social media.
  • Require payment before an individual can leave a facility.
  • Send letters full of spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.
  • Request payment to an individual or through gift cards. BSEE fines are paid through the Federal Reserve’s Fedwire Funds Service. Appeals fees, if applicable, are paid through
  • Require payment without warning. BSEE provides an initial notification of a proposed civil penalty and an opportunity for a meeting with BSEE prior to issuing a final civil penalty assessment.

For more information on government impersonation scams, please see this article from the Federal Trade Commission.