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Director's Corner

Director Kevin M. Sligh Sr.

Kevin M. Sligh, Sr. is the Director of the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement. He joined BSEE on March 28, 2022, and is responsible for promoting safety, protecting the environment, and conserving resources through the regulatory oversight and enforcement of energy operations on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf. The Director is supported by senior executives who manage national programs, policies, operations and budgets for regulated oil & gas and offshore wind industries.

Most recently, Sligh served as Deputy Regional Administrator for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region V. In this position, he provided oversight for operational aspects of preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation activities in support of the region’s six Great Lakes states, as well as 34 federally recognized tribal nations.

Prior to that, Sligh was Deputy Director of the Office of Marine Environmental Response Policy at U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters. There, he served as principal advisor to the Director and oversaw human resources, budget, and acquisitions; national spill response planning and policy; and industry, interagency, and international coordination. Sligh served a seven-month detail at the White House in 2017 as the Director for Response Policy within the National Security Council Resilience Directorate focusing on the Executive Office of the President response during Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria.


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