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MMS Employees Volunteer Time, Efforts in Denver Community

Employees of the Minerals Management Service’s (MMS) Mineral Revenue Management (MRM) program at Denver’s Federal Center are volunteering in their communities to help homeless youth and the developmentally disabled. Their efforts are further inspired by President Obama’s United We Serve initiative, a call to service to help meet the nation’s growing social needs resulting from the economic downturn.

For more than six years, employees of the MMS’s Denver office have devoted their time to help homeless and run-away youth at Urban Peak Denver, a shelter that provides a safe, caring and stable environment with the goal of helping runaway youth permanently exit street life.

 'Our employees have a long track record of volunteering,' said MRM Deputy Associate Director Deborah Tschudy. 'Particularly with today’s economic conditions, it is imperative that volunteers reach out to help those less fortunate.' 

Throughout the year, MRM employees Joanne Taylor and Vicky Stafford collect clothing, basic essentials, and food from MMS Denver office employees to donate to Urban Peak, especially around the holiday season. They also recruit several other employees each month to prepare and serve meals to about 30-40 youth.

'It is great to see Federal employees reaching out beyond the office walls to give back to their communities,' said MRM Associate Director Greg Gould.

Another initiative, led by MRM accountant Ruth Probasco, is working with the Developmentally Disabled Resource Center (DDRC) in Lakewood, where MRM employees provide needed supplies and staples, non-perishable food items, and even refurbished bicycles for developmentally disabled adults. 

'We all need support at one time or another,' said Probasco, 'and MMS employees have always been quick to extend a helping hand.'

Media Contact:
   Patrick Etchart (303) 231-3162