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Safety Alerts Program


BSEE Safety Alerts are tools used by BSEE to inform the offshore energy industry of the circumstances surrounding an incident or a near miss. They also contain recommendations that should help prevent the recurrence of such an incident on the OCS.

Safety Alerts Program

Number Title Date Category
480 BSEE Safety Alert 480 - Fingerboard Locking Bolt Failure Leads to Near Miss Incident Cranes/Lifting, Personnel Safety, Pipe Handling
472 Safety Alert 472 - Tote Tank Drain Nozzles Pose Leak Hazard Cranes/Lifting, Critical Lifts, Equipment, Spill/Pollution
468 BSEE Safety Alert 468 - Red Zone Hazards Pose Increased Risk to Personnel During Lifting Operations Cranes/Lifting, Personnel Safety, Tag Lines
461 BSEE Safety Alert 461 - Recent Tagline Entanglements Result in Several high Potential Near Misses Cranes/Lifting
460 BSEE Safety Alert 460 - Overhaul Ball Crashes to Deck Resulting in High Potential Near-Miss Fatality Cranes/Lifting
457 BSEE Safety Alert 457 -Broken Breaker Bar Injury with Medical Evaluation Guidance Cranes/Lifting
456 BSEE Safety Alert 456 - Extreme Caution Advised During Swing Rope Transfers Cranes/Lifting
455 BSEE Safety Alert 455 - Person Injured when Safety Mechanisms Failed Cranes/Lifting
454 BSEE Safety Alert 454 - Auxiliary Line Abrading Causes Rope Guard Failure Cranes/Lifting
452 BSEE Safety Alert 452 - Ineffective Stinger Hook Pin Installation - High potential for injury and Equipment Damage Cranes/Lifting
448 BSEE Safety Alert 448 - Hazards Associated with Cranes on Idle Facilities Pose Safety and Environmental Risks Cranes/Lifting
446 BSEE Safety Alert 446 - Unsafe Working Practices Result in Crane Injury Cranes/Lifting, Personnel Safety
445 BSEE Safety Alert 445 - Stored Energy in Slings Causes Multiple Injuries Cranes/Lifting, Personnel Safety, Tag Lines
435 BSEE Safety Alert 435 - Breakdowns in Communication and Preparation Lead to Failure of Synthetic Slings Cranes/Lifting
433 BSEE Safety Alert 433 - Crane Anti-Two Block Weight Pulled into Boom Tip Causing Damages to Auxiliary Cable and Sheave Cranes/Lifting
429 BSEE Safety Alert 429 - Jacking Up Lift Boat During Crane Operations Cranes/Lifting, Personnel Safety
428 BSEE Safety Alert 428 - Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container - FIBC - Parted Straps Result in Near Misses Cranes/Lifting
426 BSEE Safety Alert 426 - BSEE Identifies Dropped Object Hazards during Risk Based Inspections Cranes/Lifting, General
424 BSEE Safety Alert 424 - Recent Uptick in Lifting Injuries due to Unrecognized Pinch Point Hazards Cranes/Lifting
422 BSEE Safety Alert 422 - Miscommunication of Load Weight Leads to a Lifting High Potential Lifting Near Miss Cranes/Lifting
404 BSEE Safety Alert 404 - BSEE Establishes Goal to Reduce Lifting Incidents by 50% Cranes/Lifting, SEMS
393 Safety Alert 393 - Adverse Weather and Sea Conditions Complicate Dynamic Lifts Cranes/Lifting, Weather
392 Safety Alert 392 - Personnel Transfer Injuries Escalate Over 1-Year Period Cranes/Lifting, Personnel Transfers
391 Safety Alert 391 - Improper Use of Equipment Results in Shock Loaded Crane and Damaged Tension Packer Component Failures, Cranes/Lifting
383 Safety Alert 383 - Lifting Incidents Involving Tote Tanks Cranes/Lifting, Critical Lifts
362 Safety Alert 362 - Poor Tag Line Awareness Leads to Multiple Incidents Cranes/Lifting, Tag Lines
361 Safety Alert 361 - Multiple Crane Incidents during Heavy Lifting Operations Cranes/Lifting, Critical Lifts
360 Safety Alert 360 - Collision Leads to Significant Near Miss Component Failures, Cranes/Lifting
358 Safety Alert 358 - Dislodged Boom Pawl Pin Unnoticed by Crane Operator during Pre-use Inspection Component Failures, Cranes/Lifting
346 Safety Alert 346 - Fractures Found on Stainless Steel Fittings Component Failures, Cranes/Lifting
342 Safety Alert 342 - Hydraulic Boom Cylinder Failures Component Failures, Cranes/Lifting
332 Safety Alert 332 - Crane Hazards Identified by BSEE in Risk Based Inspections Cranes/Lifting, Other
331 Safety Alert 331 - Personnel Transfers by Swing Rope and Personnel Basket Cranes/Lifting, Personnel Transfers
329 Safety Alert 329 - Potentially Catastrophic Crane and Lifting Incidents Component Failures, Cranes/Lifting
321 Safety Alert 321 - Additional Catastrophic Incident Attributed to Ejection of Traveling Slips Cranes/Lifting, Other
317 Safety Alert 317 - Catastrophic Incident Avoided Cranes/Lifting, Critical Lifts
308 Safety Alert 308 - Overloading Leads to Catastrophic Failure of Crane Boom Component Failures, Cranes/Lifting
304 Safety Alert 304 - Boom Hoist Wire Rope Failure Results in Fatality Component Failures, Cranes/Lifting
298 Safety Alert 298 - Electric Line Failure from Corrosion Results in Injury Component Failures, Cranes/Lifting
19 Safety Bulletin 019 - Hydraulic Jack Falls During Lift, Causing Injury Component Failures, Cranes/Lifting
8 Safety Bulletin 008 Structural Failure of Crane Swing Gear Drive Housing Injures Three 9-11-2017b Component Failures, Cranes/Lifting