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Moorings and Anchors

Reliability of Mooring Systems for Floating Production Systems

The performance of the floating production system depends on more directly on the performance of the system of mooring lines and anchors rather than on the performance of a single line or anchor. To assess and study the component and system reliabilities for the mooring system, a 'theme' Spar and its mooring system is used for the reliability analysis. The results of this project may be used for the evaluation and possible improvement of the design codes for FPS mooring lines and anchors.

Damage Tolerance of Synthetic-Fiber Mooring Ropes, Phase I: Small-Scale Experiments

Research pm the damage tolerance of Synthetic-Fiber Mooring ropes for use on MODU's. Analysis of controlled, damage-tolerance, static tension tests on elements and sub-rope components taken directly from representative polyester mooring rope products. This research laid a foundation into the behavior of ropes with damage including more sophisticated analytical modeling.

Interim Damage Criteria for Replacing Damaged Polyester Rope

BP EXPLORATION, Upstream Technology Group has requested that Stress Engineering Services (SES), perform a set of tests and analyses to develop an interim criteria for replacing damaged polyester mooring rope. BP and SES recognize that the Offshore Technology Research Center (OTRC) is developing a more thorough, longer-term project on the same subject, funded in part by the Minerals Management Service (MMS). BP believes it will have Gulf of Mexico applications for polyester rope taut line mooring systems before a criterion is available.

Characterizing Polyester Rope Installation Damage

The primary objective of this project was to characterize key types of polyester rope damage that might affect the performance of a deepwater taut line mooring system. Since recent experiences have shown that these polyester mooring lines are susceptible to damage during installation, it is important to identify how this damage is created when installing these polyester mooring lines.

Polyester Rope Analysis Tool

The primary goal of this research project is to ensure the availability of a validated software tool that can be used to predict the response of polyester ropes under a variety of loading conditions. Such a tool is needed to interpret and extend test data and to develop design guidelines. Laboratory testing of large and full-scale ropes, while essential for gauging performance, is expensive and time consuming. Development of a reliable computer model has the potential to significantly reduce the costs and time needed for experimental testing.

Deep Water Anchor Reliability

The goal of this project is to establish a comprehensive research program on deep water anchors with applications to drilling and production operations. The work has three objectives;
1) Determine currently available, best practices for analysis and design of suction cassion anchors (SCAs) and vertically loaded anchors (VLAs), including drag embedment anchors (DEAs) and suction embedded plate anchors (SEPLAs);
2) Characterize deep water environments and site investigations strategies;

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